ROBIN Stakeholders Engagement Event: Academia in Thessaloniki, Greece

AUTH Hosts ROBIN’s Stakeholders Engagement Event
🎉 ROBIN project‘s Stakeholders Engagement Event: Academia

🎉 ROBIN project‘s Stakeholders Engagement Event: Academia

Laboratory of Geoinformatics | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki hosted and participated in the ROBIN’s Stakeholders Engagement Event: Academia for the Region of Central Macedonia at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece.

Meeting agenda 📄

👉 A deep dive into:

🌿 The project’s latest developments.
🌿 ROBIN Toolbox and the toolbox validation plans in the Region of Central Macedonia.
🌿 Cooperation between academia and the Region of Central Macedonia.

A huge thanks to all the regional ROBIN’s consortium partners for their participation and exchange of ideas into this bioeconomy changer horizoneurope project, that aims to empower Europe’s regions to adapt their governance models and structures in ways that accelerate the achievement of their circular bioeconomy targets while promoting social innovation and accounting for different territorial contexts.

Stay tuned for more news and feed!

horizoneurope academia meeting


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