The program aims to improve the environmental footprint of shipping. It focuses on the following key areas: development of alternative solutions to traditional fuels, improving energy efficiency in ships and ports, using new digital technologies for better operational management, and encouraging recycling and the use of biofuels.
More specifically, the program’s work will revolve around the following points:
- Identification of the sectors of maritime activity, their specific characteristics, and which of these are related to green shipping or can be influenced by it.
- Pure alternative fuels, alternative energy sources, as well as technologies for reducing the footprint of transitional alternative fuels are examined.
- The energy upgrade and efficiency of ships and ports are studied, as well as issues related to the design of green ships with an emphasis on energy saving.
- Different technologies for reducing environmental footprint are examined, and the impacts of climate-active energy pollutants on the environment are assessed.
- The management of large data sets for monitoring in remote and/or autonomous navigation, and in the management of maritime traffic is examined.
- Biofuels as recycling products, the synergy of ships-ports, maritime activities, as well as the life cycle of technologies and fuels are examined.
- A map of optimal combinations is produced based on the individual analysis of technologies and solutions, as well as alternative fuels.
- Two case studies are developed, i) for ocean-going vessels and ii) for Greek coastal shipping vessels for connecting the mainland with the islands.
Through the NAVGREEN program, shipping will become more sustainable and efficient.