In CREAMS, we anticipate to educate and create awareness of various stakeholders in the Higher Education domain with regards to scaffolding creativity of arts students, and deploying a robust and innovative framework and open-source tools for virtual exhibition creation.

Objective A

Engage Stakeholders of European HEIs to Elicit Requirements related to the creation of virtual exhibitions for art students

Objective B

Design, Develop and Evaluate a Framework and Open-source Tools for the creation of virtual exhibition for art students

Objective C

Implement and Evaluate Educational Material for HEIs Stakeholders and Implement Learning, Teaching, Training Activities

Objective D

Dissemination and Sustainability by disseminating and exploiting the project results to different target audiences and stakeholders


LABGEO’s role:

  • Augmented Reality (AR) tool owner and developer
  • PR3 Leader (Systems verifications and user acceptance activities)


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