PAVE-SCAN Kick-off Meeting in Prague

PAVE-SCAN Project Launched in Prague!
A new #European project kicked-off in #Prague in February 2024.

A new #European project kicked-off in #Prague in February 2024.

PAVE-SCAN “PAVEment SCANning with EGNSS Technology for Accurate Assessment”, an EU #funded project, aims to the development of EGNSS-based integrated low-cost sensor technologies and artificial-intelligence-driven open-architecture software solution (machine learning and machine vision), for the detection, classification and georeferencing of roadway pavement surface anomalies and for the low-cost assessment of roadway pavements using participatory sensing.

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) implementation team consists of the Laboratory of Geoinformatics | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Laboratory of Highway Engineering. The research groups will support the implementation of the project by:
– researching the state-of-the-art legislations and frameworks regarding sustainability and safety in EU level.
– contibuting in the development of AI software modules and the PAVE-SCAN Web-GIS & dashboards.
– focusing on the role, involvement, and engagement of citizens in the pavement condition assessment process, as well as in the data provision.

The consortium consists of partners from Spain, Italy, Estonia, Austria, Greece, Malta, and Cyprus.

#PAVESCAN #EGNSS #Navigation #citizenscience #engagement #auth #labgeo #labgeoauth #EU #EUSPA #project



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