INCENTIVE Final Conference in Twente, Netherlands

AUTh's Citizen Science Hub Shares Insights at International Conferences
It was an honor to participate in the INCENTIVE Project and TIME4CS Joint Final #Conference: “Grounding #CitizenScience in Research Institutions: Science with and for Citizens” and also in the Poster Session of the 1st International Citizen Science for Health Conference that was organised by the University of Twente and the TechMed Centre.

It was an honor to participate in the INCENTIVE Project and TIME4CS Joint Final #Conference: “Grounding #CitizenScience in Research Institutions: Science with and for Citizens” and also in the Poster Session of the 1st International Citizen Science for Health Conference that was organised by the University of Twente and the TechMed Centre.

Laboratory of Geoinformatics | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Citizen Science Hub (Κόμβος ΕτΠ ΑΠΘ), presented a Citizen Science #initiative that was organised and implemented in collaboration with Rhoé in the framework of INCENTIVE Project and #inBoard project.

In this initiative “Engaging citizens in environmental health monitoring”, the research teams focused on citizen science in #environmental health, and specifically, in the context of measuring and interpreting three key environmental #indexes that impact #health: Air Pollution, UV exposure and NDVI.

Many thanks to Sabine Wildevuur and all the members of the organisation team for the hospitality and this great conference.

#citsci4health2023 #citizenscience #hub #participation #EU #h2020 #project #labgeo #labgeoauth #AUThCSH #ΚόμβοςΕτΠΑΠΘ



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