R-MAP Kick-off Meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece

R-Map Project Launches to Tackle Remote Work Challenges Across Europe
Today, as the project coordinator Laboratory of Geoinformatics | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, hosted the R-Map #horizoneurope #researchproject kick-off meeting.

Today, as the project coordinator Laboratory of Geoinformatics | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, hosted the R-Map #horizoneurope #researchproject kick-off meeting. This project addresses the #remoteworking phenomenon and tackles various social, economic, and spatial challenges.

Recognizing the widening urban-rural gap due to remote work, the EU-backed R-Map project aims to analyze, forecast, and address its impacts across #europe. This research acknowledges the persistent challenge of bridging this divide, encompassing spatial, economic, and societal dimensions. Equipped with #visualization tools and an Integrated #impactassessment framework, R-Map will provide #policymakers with insights into how remote work affects individuals, communities, economies, and environments in urban and rural regions. Its methodology, including scenario building and cross-regional exchanges, facilitates tailored policy recommendations to promote equitable development.

If you are a #remoteworker or interested in this topic, follow the entire team and join forces with us! Stay tuned for new announcements in the coming days.


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