FIREFLY, fosters the enjoyment of culture of elderly people through the development of a methodological and technological framework that in turn, will enable software developers in the field of Cultural Heritage to offer custom-made digital tools and applications, tailored to the needs of senior citizens. This will be accomplished by developing a novel user/visitor model for the particular target group, with the term model referring to a very specific profile.

Objectives of FIREFLY in a nutshell

FIREFLY aims to design, develop, and evaluate optimised versions of Cultural Heritage (CH) related Extended Reality (XR) applications. Existing CH typical applications employing XR are developed for the average user, gravitating towards the young, or people who are familiar with digital apps and their interfaces. FIREFLY aims to create interfaces that are optimal for the elderly on the basis of insights gained through research with the use of Brain Computer Interface (BCI) equipment, unified electroencephalography (EEG), and eye gaze tracking technologies.

FIREFLY aims at intelligent real-time modelling of cognitive abilities of elderly people, thus providing groundbreaking technological advances in the investigation of the ways cultural experiences can be optimised for the older generations. Thus FIREFLY will enable the development of human cognition-centred personalization, and significantly advance the state-of-the-art research in human cognitive modelling in terms of cultural heritage provisions for the inclusion of the elderly (either healthy or with mild cognitive impairment-MCI).

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