The ICOMOS-ISPRS Scientific Committee, CIPA-Heritage Documentation is proud to present this publication in the occasion of its 50th birthday. Our intention with this publication is to look backwards at the achievements of CIPA while at the same time to look ahead the future of cultural heritage documentation. The publication begins with the introductory messages from the Presidents of CIPA, ISPRS and ICOMOS respectively. The first contribution concerns the future of cultural heritage documentation, with respect to the editor’s perspective. Andreas Georgopoulos, current CIPA President (2015–2019) discusses the CIPA slides on architectural photogrammetry and the application of contemporary technologies from its early years. Peter Waldhäusl, past and honorary President of CIPA, writes on the foundation and fundamentals of CIPA in memory of Maurice Carbonnell (1923–2015) and Hans Foramitti (1923–1982), the so-called “fathers of CIPA”. Ross Dallas, an honorary committee member of CIPA, is looking backwards to the late 80s to share some personal thoughts. Bill Blake also is looking towards the history of CIPA and the English Heritage Metric Survey Publication Programme 2000–2009. The publication concludes with the contribution of Fulvio Rinaudo, concerning two CIPA initiatives, the “O. Wagner Pavillon Test” and the “RecorDIM Initiative”.